It has been almost one year ago since we last met in October 2018 in Chiang Rai’s Ban Pa Ruak Community Group. Seeing Aunt Por or Pa Por (as we say in Thai) once again on this trip, well she surely looks very different. Her face was gleaming with happiness and you can feel the inner peace that she possesses. You know, Pa Por can work wonders with her hands and fingers that she can even “mesmerize your soul” through ancient Thai massage techniques.
Here she was, so readily and cheerfully greeting us whilst at the same time she was roasting bananas under a shed amidst the calm misty skies sprinkling with a touch of rain. There could not have been a better ambience for our trip. Then other voices of the Ban Pa Ruak Community Group could be heard, one by one other members of group appeared with arousing noise of happiness. Pa Por lifted her tray of grilled bananas to an open shack situated amongst the pineapple plantation and invited all to enjoy the snacks specially she specially prepared for us “the city people”.
The pineapple plantation here in Nang Lae Sub-District of Chiang Rai is grown in a chemical-free zone owned and managed by a group of farmers from the Ban Pa Ruak Community Group for over two years. Pa Por a member helps in the management of the group though she does not have a plantation of her own. She is very keen to help with the group and tells us “the rains have just come about two weeks ago. Before this there was no rain, the plantation suffered with dryness dehydrating the pineapples turning the leaves almost brown. Now the rains have come so it will be good for them. This year with the little rain the fruits though smaller in size still have the same delicious taste”.
She tells us that besides growing pineapples naturally they will also be experiment in planting different plant varieties and persuades other farmers within the group to also experiment as well on their land. This plantation here will be the trial center for growing natural and organic fruits and vegetational plants. All members of the group show willingness to work together and experiment what ways will work best. “The project involves growing pineapples, trees and herbs as well as the cultivation of straw mushrooms with soil mixed with rice husks” Pa Por tells us enthusiastically pointing to show us the large pile of rice husks and a bag of soil mixed ready to be put into the mushroom culture bags.
"Working together like this, everyone is happy to share and willingly spend their time to benefit the community." The other day, we all helped in the cleaning up the forest besides the Phra That Doi Ong Temple cutting and trimming the overgrown tree branches. It is good to do good as good merits will come to all. Pa Por says “now enjoy your lunch, we have specially collected mushrooms to make larb mushroom for you city folks to enjoy.”
After lunch we tasted the sweet, sweet, crispy pineapples freshly cut from the plantations enjoy friendly conversations whilst overlooking the beautiful serene scenery of pineapples between natural green walkways. Looking far on, we see can see the Phra That Doi Ong temple standing bright and white in the rain amongst the beautiful green forest.
"We all believe in doing good, eating well and being healthy, this is what happiness is about. Everyone is happy even the pineapple growers are happy. This is the reason why we all can work together through discussions, learning and trust amongst our group work we want to set a good example and persuade other pineapple growers to plant without the use of chemicals or growth hormones, it is not only not good, but is dangerous and damaging to the environment including the land and rivers. Planting via natural methods provides better results, the pineapples are sweeter, crispier and so much more delicious. It benefits everyone with better pricing, healthier fruits and building a good excellent environment.” Pa Por smiles with a wide grin.
With Ma Deluxe, the key ingredient we use is the pineapple grown only by the Ban Pa Ruak Community Group because it is grown and cultivated through natural ways with no chemical or hormonal influence. We cut, use the entire fresh fruit and transform it together with other natural ingredients into cleaning products ensuring both health and safety qualities for you to use.
We hope Pa Por and the Ban Pa Ruak Community Group and other farmers continuing to set the example in taking the natural way to cultivate and grow natural produce and able expand their group to achieve their goal. Remember “Every One Can Save This World”.